Monthly Archives: December 2024
FMLA TO CARE FOR SIBLINGS? We have said it before and will say it again. Fedsmill is not a legal advisor. We will leave that to your union lawyers. Fedsmill, on the other hand, advocate for things that help federal … Continue reading
A “TIGHTY WHITEY” AND WORKPLACE RETALIATION We have written about the advantages of alleging reprisal/retaliation claims whenever you represent an employe complaining about workplace harassment. Check out this January 2023 post. But it never hurts to remind reps of that, … Continue reading
CONGRATS TO AFGE LEADERS AT SSA ON TELEWORK MANEUVER They just signed a deal with SSA management to keep telework in place for six more years. While that is not fool-proof protection against Shadow President Musk’s ranting about forcing all … Continue reading
OVERHEARD AT LUNCH; BRACE YOURSELVES UNIONS Last week I met a friend for lunch at a little place in Washington, D.C. and overheard some very troubling chatter from an adjacent table. Given the city is overrun with Congressional members, staffers, … Continue reading
WHAT IS AN AGGRAVATING FACTOR? Looks like we Feds are going to be dealing with a lot more adverse actions soon if Trump’s Department of Efficiency has its way. Given that MSPB just issued a new precedent setting adverse action … Continue reading