Monthly Archives: July 2021
HERE IS HOW TOUGH EEOC (& UNIONS) CAN BE ON AGENCY PROMOTION RATING SYSTEMS A State Department employee failed to achieve a passing score on the agency’s promotion rating system. In fact, he failed by a lot, getting only a … Continue reading
EEOC CLAIMS DEMANDING FINGERPRINTS CAN BE RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION Given that all federal employees must sub it to fingerprinting to get their job, and certainly leave their fingerprints all over the workplace every day, we thought you might be interested in … Continue reading
EEOC SAYS, “LET THAT DOG WORK” An employee with a heart condition (atrial fibrillation or Afib) obtained a service dog that could alert her to when an attack was coming. Upon being alerted, she could take medication to avoid another … Continue reading
FMLA OFTEN REQUIRES PERFORMANCE STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS Often an employer must adjust an employee’s performance standards once it approves the employee’s FMLA leave request. Not long ago a Federal Circuit Court spelled it out for LR practitioners on both sides of … Continue reading
UNION REP TEST #14- (Back Pay Entitlement) Many grievances are about getting back pay for employees, which makes it very important that practitioners know what can and cannot be done with back pay. Unfortunately, there are a lot of traps … Continue reading