Tag Archives: Telework
YOU CAN KEEP TELEWORK IF YOU HAVE A COMPELLING REASON YUP! There is a way to wiggle out from under the Trump Administration efforts to punish federal employees for not voting for them. FEDWEEK just published a story you should … Continue reading
CONGRATS TO AFGE LEADERS AT SSA ON TELEWORK MANEUVER They just signed a deal with SSA management to keep telework in place for six more years. While that is not fool-proof protection against Shadow President Musk’s ranting about forcing all … Continue reading
FSIP ADDRESSES TELEWORK BARGAINING IMPASSE Although the Impasses Panel’s decisions are not precedent for other parties, it pays to know what they are doing in other cases, especially if your own union is bargaining over Telework matters. The Panel just … Continue reading
FLRA BOOSTS TELEWORK REMEDIES Few things are as frustrating as winning a grievance, arbitration or ULP only to find that the sole remedy imposed is an order that management not violate the law or contract again. FLRA claims that remedies should … Continue reading
EMPLOYEE AWARDED TELEWORK AND $30,000.00 An arbitrator found that the agency violated the Rehabilitation Act and the agreement by denying the grievant a reasonable accommodation. As remedy, he directed the agency to grant the grievant a telework schedule, and awarded $30,000 in … Continue reading
BARGAINING TELEWORK AND THE MANSON FAMILY TWINS Expecting FLRA’s Abbott and Kiko to think even one baby step beyond their hatred of unions is like assuming Charley Manson will take good care of your pregnant wife while you are out … Continue reading
FLRA BOOSTS TELEWORK REMEDIES Few things are as frustrating as winning a grievance, arbitration or ULP only to find that the sole remedy imposed is an order that management not violate the law or contract again. FLRA claims that remedies … Continue reading
ACCOMMODATING EMPLOYEES WHO CANNOT REPORT TO WORK The law firm of ShawValenza just posted a very interesting article under the title above. We recommend it for those working in the reasonable accommodation area, if only as a useful thought-provoking piece … Continue reading
THE DARK SIDE OF TELECOMMUTING While negotiators on both sides of the bargaining table deserve credit for integrating telecommuting into the work place Inc. magazine just did a very good job of highlighting the negative impact of those were denied … Continue reading
HAS OPM CHANGED LEAVE “POLICY” IN OFFICE CLOSURE SITUATIONS? If you missed OPM’s latest effort to interfere with collective bargaining, double back and read it closely. OPM has announced that it wants “to change an outdated leave practice.” To be … Continue reading