OPM- This protector of all things management has one of the best web sites at www.opm.gov. Its “Subject Index” placed in the upper right hand corner of the page gives the user access to an alphabetical list of concepts that arise often for union representatives. For example, it not only gives you quick, readable advice about things like “organ donor leave” and what a “Nature of Action” code is, but it also has a decent list of what is and is not negotiable on dozens of subjects.
- A-76/Contracting (12)
- ADA/ADAAA (12)
- AFGE (8)
- Age (7)
- Agency Burden (1)
- Appointees (1)
- Arbitration (52)
- Arbitration Exceptions (3)
- Associational (2)
- Attorney Fees (25)
- Awards (17)
- AWS (2)
- Back Pay (47)
- Bargaining (99)
- Bargaining Impasse (3)
- Bargaining Law (60)
- Bargaining Negotiability (19)
- Bargaining Proposals (21)
- Bargaining Tactics (17)
- Benefits (1)
- CBCA (1)
- Co-worker Harassment (3)
- Collaboration (1)
- Commuting Area (1)
- Compensation (26)
- Consultants (1)
- Contractor Fraud (1)
- Covered-by (2)
- Critical Clauses (3)
- Debt (2)
- Details (6)
- Disability (41)
- Discipline/Adverse Action (103)
- Dues Withholding (1)
- Duty of Fair Representation (1)
- Editorial Opinion (3)
- EEO Harassment (6)
- EEO/Disabilities (33)
- EEO/Discrimination (138)
- EEO/Religion (3)
- EEO/Remedies (8)
- Elections/Voting (1)
- Employee Engagement (1)
- Employee Rights (5)
- Equal Pay (3)
- Executive Orders (1)
- Fedsmill (2)
- Flexiplace (5)
- FLRA (93)
- FLSA/Overtime (12)
- FMCS (1)
- FMLA (57)
- Formal Discussions (5)
- FSIP (48)
- FUBAR (5)
- Furloughs (7)
- Gender/Sex (17)
- Genetic Information (1)
- Governance (1)
- Government-wide Regs (2)
- Grievance/Arbitration (85)
- GSA (1)
- Hatch Act (3)
- Health & Safety (3)
- Higher Graded Details (4)
- Hours of Work (4)
- Impasse (3)
- Information (16)
- Information-Particularized Need (1)
- Investigations (4)
- Labor History (1)
- Law Enforcement (1)
- Leadership (6)
- Leave (15)
- Legislative History (1)
- Lobbying (5)
- Medical Issues (11)
- Medical Privacy (3)
- Membership Building (54)
- MSPB (21)
- National Origin (2)
- National Politics (1)
- Negotiability (4)
- Negotiating (3)
- NFFE (2)
- Official Time (7)
- OPM (6)
- Organizing (5)
- Other (1)
- Overtime (13)
- Pass Me On (1)
- Past Practice (2)
- Pay/Grades/Steps (2)
- Performance (28)
- Phased Retirement (1)
- Pregnancy (2)
- Pregnancy (7)
- Privacy (11)
- Probation Period (20)
- Prohibited Personnel Practice (10)
- Promotion/Hiring (50)
- Qualification Standards (2)
- Quiz (5)
- Race (5)
- ratification (1)
- Reasonable Accommodations (28)
- Reassignments (10)
- Regulations (4)
- Religion (29)
- Remedies (23)
- Reports/Finances (2)
- Research (2)
- Resignations (4)
- Retaliation (18)
- RIF (1)
- Safety/Health (3)
- Schedules/Hours (1)
- Settlements (2)
- Sexual harassment (1)
- Social Security (1)
- Special Counsel (4)
- Strategy/tactics (6)
- Taxes (1)
- Telework (14)
- Test Yourself (13)
- Training (16)
- Transgender (6)
- Travel/Per Diem (8)
- ULPs (47)
- Unacceptable Performance (13)
- Uncategorized (40)
- Union Administration (132)
- Union Politics (6)
- Union Rep Test (21)
- Union Rights (27)
- USERRA (3)
- Whistleblowing (5)
- Workers' Comp (2)
- Workload (1)