Category Archives: Official Time
WHEN SUPERVISORS VENT, THEY MAY HAVE TO PAY There are lots of situations inside and outside government where some manager is “miffed” that s/he must respect an employee’s rights under the law and they might walk away muttering to themselves—maybe … Continue reading
SHOP STEWARD LIABILITY It is that time of the year again for hundreds of union officials. They are obligated to file reports with the Department of Labor (DOL) spelling out what they have done with the local’s money over the … Continue reading
THE FUTURE OF OFFICIAL TIME UNDER TRUMP The Administration and its finger puppets at FSIP are making it nearly impossible for unions to continue agreeing to bank time systems to represent employees. Ironically, they are also requiring agency executives to … Continue reading
IS BANK TIME ONLY PERMISSIVELY NEGOTIABLE WITH UNIONS? Union and agency negotiators started creating banks of time for union reps to use because it made a lot of sense for both sides. Management, for example, no longer had to make … Continue reading
HAS FSIP VIOLATED THE LAW ON OFFICIAL TIME? FSIP has the statutory power to “take whatever action is necessary” to settle a bargaining impasse. (See 5 USC 7119(c)(5)(B)(iii)) But it does not have unlimited power. The rest of that statutory … Continue reading
SSA & AFGE: FSIP BIGOTRY GONE WILD You can almost always rely on zealots to overreach. In fact, it is their greatest weakness and typically exposes a core bigotry. The new SSA-AFGE Panel decision is a great example of that. … Continue reading
BROAD PROBE OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES GETS SPECIFIC WITH NAMES Joe Davidson of the Washington Post just wrote a piece every federal sector union rep should read with the same title as this post. It outlines how a certain Congressman from … Continue reading