Category Archives: Quiz
FMLA QUIRKS QUIZ Our fellow bloggers at Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP do a good job of keeping up with FMLA developments. This week they published a quiz for readers to test their own command of FMLA matters. We … Continue reading
WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO THIS OVERTIME PROBLEM? Practitioners on both side of the table come up against the following facts. The agency wants to keep overtime costs down. So, it decides to have its first line supervisors start doing … Continue reading
QUIZ: WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE REMEDY? On April 24, 2017 FLRA decided a case where the arbitrator found that the agency had violated the contract when it refused to approve full-time telework for an employee. However, because the … Continue reading
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF PROHIBITED PERSONNEL PRACTICES The Office of the Special Counsel has put on line a helpful quiz to help representatives deepen their understanding of Prohibited Personnel Practices. We have found it helpful to raise these in grievances … Continue reading
QUIZ YOURSELF: Particularized Need Limitations Which of the following does a union not have to reveal to management to meet the particularized need standard for getting information. A. Why it needs the information, B. The Uses to which it will put … Continue reading