Category Archives: WIGI/ALOC
A BIT OF WIGI/ALOC GOOD NEWS FROM MSPB Some people call it a Within-Grade Increase (WIGI) issue while others use the Acceptable Level of Competence (ALOC) label. Both refer to the salary step increases employees qualify for periodically. While it … Continue reading
MSPB EXPLAINS WITHIN-GRADE INCREASES It does not happen often; in fact, it is quite rare. But agencies do deny within-grade or step increase and when they do it almost always falls to the union to grieve and possibly arbitrate the … Continue reading
UNION REP TEST #11 (WIGI/ALOC) Agencies do not often propose to withhold a Within Grade Increase (WIGI), which is also known as an Acceptable Level of Competence determination (ALOC). But because it is so rare, it is easy for … Continue reading
WHEN NOT TO GRIEVE WIGI DENIALS In virtually every other situation, the rule of thumb is that the deadline for filing a grievance begins to run when the agency issues its written decision. But not when a WIGI is involved–and not knowing … Continue reading
WHEN NOT TO GRIEVE WIGI DENIALS In virtually every other situation, the rule of thumb is that the deadline for filing a grievance begins to run when the agency issues its written decision. But not when a WIGI is involved–and … Continue reading