Monthly Archives: July 2024
TWO ROOKIE MISTAKES A recent FLRA decision opens with these three sentences, “In this case, Arbitrator Anthony R. Orman, found that the Agency violated Article 21, Section 4 of the parties’ collective-bargaining agreement by failing to distribute overtime in a “fair … Continue reading
THANKS, DIRECTOR SHRIVER While he would have much preferred a career as a star quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, all us feds are far better with him scoring big changes in the human resources arena. Rob Shriver has been acting … Continue reading
30-YEAR-OLD BACK PAY CASE Occasionally, an agency asserts that it cannot legally grant back pay for claims more than six years old due to appropriation laws. Given that it can take more than six years to resolve certain cases, the … Continue reading
DOES THIS FED GET A FULL-TIME TELEWORK FOR PTSD? The employee was a GS-11 Claims Specialist with SSA working in an office alongside 15 other GS-11 Claims Specialists and two GS-12’s. He was also a combat vet diagnosed with PTSD … Continue reading
BARGAINING WITH JERKS – #1 (Information Access) There are a lot of different types of negotiators on the management side of the table and one of them deserves to be labeled The Jerk. This is the person who has come to bargaining … Continue reading
WANT AN EXECUTIVE BOARD OF PUPPETS? Wine them, dine them and fly them, but never ever tell them about (or let them decide) anything important. As our media headlines carry more and more stories about dictators and dictator wannabees, it … Continue reading