Monthly Archives: November 2012
FMLA LEAVE TO COVER VACATIONS– We recommend that you check out the blog page cited below. A judge has held that employees are entitled to FMLA leave if they are the care giver for a covered member of the family and that … Continue reading
“SHHH!” COMMAND COSTS MANAGEMENT OVER $12,000 A manager warned a maintenance employee to be careful who she told about how offended she was by finding a pornographic magazine in the restroom. The supervisor may have just been trying to get … Continue reading
DISCLOSURE OF FMLA MEDICAL INFO TO UNION REQUIRED In the right-hand column of the page we track headlines off web sites of interests to federal employees. One of them deals with FMLA case law and it recently posted an … Continue reading
TEST YOURSELF- The Missing Grievance Allegation? Let’s suppose that an irate member contacted her union rep on a Friday complaining that a month ago her manager had approved her taking one week of annual leave next week, but suddenly the leave that … Continue reading
INTEREST ARBITRATION’S “ANGELO ANGLE” The vast majority of neutrals brought in to settle a bargaining impasse, whether they are from FSIP or privately hired by the parties, rarely look at the impasse from what we are labeling the “Angelo Angle.” As … Continue reading
PROMOTION EFFECTIVE DATE REFINED MSPB has refined the criteria for determining when a promotion is effective where the agency announced that the employee would be promoted on one day and after that date decided to postpone the promotion. The new … Continue reading