Category Archives: Lobbying
IRS FOOLISHLY BARRED FROM PURSUING RICH TAX CHEATS Tax cheats are important to union officials because their theft is one of the major reasons feds do not get proper annual pay increases or enough staffing to do the job. The Dept. … Continue reading →
WHO REALLY DESERVES THE BLAME? AFGE KNOWS It looks like the media is going to spend more than a little time this summer on the story about the horribly long security lines in airports. Congress, as it always does, has … Continue reading →
UNONS WATCH AS IRS REPORTS UNPAID ANNUAL TAXES RISE TO $458 BILLION The title of this posts comes from a simple but powerful New York Times story that recently explained why the federal government is understaffed, its employees often underpaid, … Continue reading →
CONGRATS ON AFGE’s VA SCANDAL RESPONSE (How Scandals Are Planned In Advance) Congress may not pass any laws, budgets, treaties or other legislation, but it sure does have a guaranteed way to generate scandals in federal agencies. Since the media … Continue reading →
AMERICA’S BEST INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY What would you do if you had an investment opportunity that paid you $7.00 for every $1.00 you invested? If you need a hint, look at what Congress is doing–and then do the opposite. The NY … Continue reading →