Monthly Archives: June 2015
FAREWELL COLLEEN KELLEY AND THANKS In a little less than 60 days, Colleen Kelley, National President of NTEU and one of the more visible figures in federal sector labor relations, will retire after 16 years in that job. So, we … Continue reading
WHAT IS AN LGBT SLUR? OPM deserves credit for publishing, “Addressing Sexual and Gender Identity Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment: A Guide to Employment Rights, Protections and Responsibilities.” It is a concise and clear explanation of how those who believe … Continue reading
FMLA AND OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS A new circuit court decision is getting lots of attention because of how it defines an overnight hospital stay for purposes of FMLA. If you do the FMLA for your local, this is something you … Continue reading
EEOC TO PUBLICLY DISCUSS WORKPLACE HARASSMENT EEOC is holding a meeting on June 17 in Washington and on-line to discuss how to fight workplace harassment. If you are in DC or can get on-line access this seems like it will be … Continue reading
WERE THESE NON-SELECTED EMPLOYEES ADEQUATELY COUNSELED BY MANAGEMENT? Below are three paraphrased explanations Selecting Officials gave EEOC for not selecting three promotion applicants. Let’s assume that the Selecting Officials were just as open with the non-selected employees before EEOC got involved, took … Continue reading
REMEMBER THIS IMPASSE TECHNIQUE When federal sector parties bargain themselves to an impasse, they routinely get an FMCS mediator involved. When that does not generate a deal, they move on to the FSIP for a final and binding decision if … Continue reading
ORGANIZING YOUR ARBITRATION CASE – THE BASIC CHECKLIST (Guest Contributor) You’ve taken your grievance through the contractual process without resolving it, and have now scheduled an arbitration on the matter. How should your prepare? Is there a way to ensure … Continue reading
EXECUTIVE BOARD SEAT EQUALITY Should seats on a union’s national executive board be distributed equally–and by equally we mean based on a relatively equal number of members represented by each board member? We looked around the fed sector recently and found that many … Continue reading