Monthly Archives: July 2014
WHEN IS A MAXIFLEX EMPLOYEE TARDY? MSPB just overturned the removal of an employee on a Maxiflex schedule. The agency thought the employee had been tardy when he failed to report to work at an early enough time to fulfill … Continue reading
WHAT IS A MICRO-UNION? Check out this article on micro-unions. While they are unlikely to appear in the federal sector, they might help revive the private sector.
NBA PLAYERS ELECT “INCLUSIVE” CEO USATODAY published one of those rare articles looking at how members want their unions run. In short, the players tossed out a paternalistic, territorial and secretive leader who listened only to a small, but powerful … Continue reading
HOW UNION LEADERS KILL PARTNERSHIP POTENTIAL Although it is fashionable among unions to blame managers for the widespread failure of partnership, there is a decent argument that union leaders themselves helped pound the stake through the heart of that very … Continue reading
WHEN ADVOCATES COMPLAIN TOO LITTLE Although this is hardly something new, it is worth repeating. If an arbitrator sustains a grievance, but denies the union’s desired remedy on three different grounds, it is not enough to file exceptions attacking only … Continue reading
AFGE SEALS 6101 SHIELD AGAINST SHADDY SHIFT SCHEMES Here is how FLRA described the scheme, “The Agency planned a seventy-fifth anniversary celebration on a Saturday at the Shenandoah National Park (the event). Several weeks before the event, the Agency scheduled all … Continue reading
PIZZELLA AGHAST OVER 76 YEAR OLD PRECEDENT An ALJ found an agency discriminated against an employee when it denied her request to telework from home while she recovered from a broken ankle. When the judge failed to require the agency … Continue reading