Category Archives: Awards
SSA HQ AFRICAN-AMERICAN MALES GET $22 MILLION IN BACK PAY Why? Because for years the agency discriminated against them when performance awards were handed out. If your union is not doing a simple statistical analysis of how awards are distributed … Continue reading
EEOC ORDERS RETRO INCENTIVE AWARD PLUS $5,000 SWEETENER Throughout the year, the employee’s first and second line supervisors (S1 and S2) led him to believe that he was going to be rated at the top level. In fact, that is … Continue reading
WHAT UNIONS CAN DO WHEN AGENCIES END NON-DISCRETIONARY BONUS PROGRAMS Given the anti-employee bias, if not contempt, built into the DNA of the current FSIP many employers are taking the opportunity to terminate negotiated performance award programs, e.g., annual awards … Continue reading
WHEN AGENCY AWARDS DISCRIMINATE Unless the union has negotiated a criteria for granting awards or other safeguards agencies are largely free to do what they want with awards—unless the employee can find that s/he was treated differently than someone in … Continue reading
LIMITS ON CASH AWARDS TO FEDERAL EMPLOYEES LOOSENED Hope you did not miss Eric Yoder’s piece in a recent Washington Post about how the outgoing White House Administration just told agencies that they can and should increase the funding of … Continue reading
CBP IMPORT SPECIALIST LOSES AWARDS-RELATED RETALIATION CLAIM A new decision out of the MSPB not only highlights how complicated some appeal actions can be, but also raises the question of why the employee chose to represent himself rather than have … Continue reading
NTEU STUNG BY IRS FLIM-FLAM? We ran across an article in NTEU’s Chapter 60 “Watchdog” newsletter that shines a bright light on the games too many agencies play with their performance award money. Given that the story is written by … Continue reading
AFGE FORCES AGENCY TO PAY INCENTIVE AWARDS A tip of the hat to the victory AFGE tied up this week forcing an agency to pay incentive awards. (AFGE, 68 FLRA 1049) The contract merely said, “only when and if the … Continue reading
WHEN PERFORMANCE AWARDS ARE DISCRETIONARY What’s a union to do when management distributes cash performance awards as it sees fit without any negotiated formal criteria? A lot, even if the FSIP said the agency could do it that way. The … Continue reading