Monthly Archives: December 2018
KIKO-ABBOTT ALLIES MOVE TO CRUSH LGBTQ COMMUNITY Barely a week goes by in Washington without a news story about how the political activists who put Kiko and Abbott on the FLRA are working to crush the rights and dignity of … Continue reading
EEOC LAYS OUT PATH TO WINNING PROMOTION GRIEVANCES EEOC just gave union reps a gift that can go on giving for a long time. It explained how to greatly boost the chances of winning grievances for union members passed over … Continue reading
IS THE STATUTE’S DUES WITHHOLDING PROVISION UNCONSTITUTIONAL? It sure looks that way to an agency negotiator faced with the following union proposal: SF-1188 dues revocation notices for employees who have had dues allotments in effect for more than one (1) … Continue reading
UNION ATTORNEY FEES ENTER THE FLRA WOOD CHIPPER It is common knowledge that about the only thing an agency needs to do to prevail at FLRA these days is file. Consequently, it is not good news for employee representatives when … Continue reading
EEOC ORDERS AGENCY TO PAY EMPLOYEE’S INCOME TAXES The story just above this one reported that EEOC ordered an agency to increase an employee’s back pay check by enough to cover the extra income taxes she would have to pay … Continue reading