Category Archives: Training
WHAT SHOULD A GREAT MID-TERM NEGOTIATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM INCLUDE? The vast majority of negotiations in the federal sector involve an agency-proposed mid-term change, and in the overwhelming majority of those cases the union representatives are not full-time national staff, but … Continue reading
ESSENTIALS OF FEDERAL SECTOR LABOR LAW TRAINING That’s the name of an online training program being offered by Cyberfeds & the Gilbert Training Group on April 25-28. The course walks attendees through the jurisdiction and precedents of the Federal Labor Relations … Continue reading
EMPLOYEE FORCES AGENCY TO SEND HER TO TRAINING You read a lot about employees grieving or challenging removals and suspensions as well as leave and promotion denials. But it is rare to see a case where the employee knew enough … Continue reading
WHEN IS UNILATERAL IMPLEMENTATION LEGAL? If you are a union rep and think the only time an agency can unilaterally implement a mid-term change is when there is an emergency, you are woefully unprepared to lead a bargaining team and … Continue reading
“LEARNING EVERYWHERE” OFFERS GREAT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING TRAINING PROGRAM The one thing we look for from any consulting firm offering to train negotiators on either side of the labor management table is whether the instructors actually were chief negotiators. While we think … Continue reading
THANKS, NFFE, FOR AN IMPRESSIVE “TOOLBOX” We probably owe NFFE an apology for not mentioning this sooner, but it web site has jumped up several notches since we last checked it out thoroughly. And one of the best feature is … Continue reading