Category Archives: Bargaining

BARGAINING BY THE NUMBERS TRAINING PROGRAM Getting ready to negotiate a term contract? Or is it mid-term bargaining that lies ahead for you? With decades of experience with both as well as from both sides of the bargaining table, we … Continue reading

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ARE YOU GETTING PREPARED? Feds prosper or suffer depending on who is in the White House.  With at least the potential for a very anti-federal union and federal employee taking over a year from now, unions should be taking a … Continue reading

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OVER AT AFGE, WOW! I was talking with two long-time AFGE national staff leaders last week about the state of federal labor relations when I remembered how that union had the classiest training program for local leaders when I broke … Continue reading

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LOOK WHO WANTS TO SLIT YOUR THROAT After you have read the news story we have linked to here, remember that federal employees have regularly rescued his state from multiple hurricanes, bring over a billion dollars of revenue annually into … Continue reading

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WHY NEGOTIATE OVER MIDTERM AGENCY CHANGES? Some unions are very aggressive about demanding to bargain over every management-proposed midterm change while others act like these changes are not worth their time—and we never understood the latter group.  Those unions are … Continue reading

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UNION RESPONSES TO MONKEYPOX Just saw a blog posting entitled, “What Employers Need To Know About Monkeypox” which struck us as a reminder that we have seen nothing out there about how unions should be reacting to this.  We recommend … Continue reading

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BARGAINERS BEWARE OF THIS BEGINNER’S BLUNDER As we have noted before, one way a union can stop an agency from rocketing through bargaining just to get the dispute before the FSIP is to file a ULP alleging that the agency … Continue reading

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WHY NEGOTIATE OVER MIDTERM AGENCY CHANGES? Some unions are very aggressive about demanding to bargain over every management-proposed midterm change while others act like these changes are not worth their time—and we never understood the latter group.  Those unions are … Continue reading

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FLRA WEAPONIZES FSIP AGAINST UNIONS IN FEA CASE There are at least three ways a union can be treated illegally at the FSIP.  First, the agency can engage in bad faith bargaining that poisons the entire proceedings. Second, the Panel … Continue reading

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IMPASSE CRACKERS What’s an impasse cracker?  It is one of those tactics seasoned negotiators pull out when bargaining seems hopelessly deadlocked to create an agreement. has listed some of our favorites for you to consider and use.

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