Monthly Archives: September 2023
THE LACTATION LOWDOWN AT LAREDO Well, if the Customs & Border Protection supervisors did not know about their lactation obligations they will soon. EEOC just ordered the agency to “ provide at least eight (8) hours of interactive in-person EEO … Continue reading
FMLA OFTEN REQUIRES PERFORMANCE STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS Often an employer must adjust an employee’s performance standards once it approves the employee’s FMLA leave request. Not long ago a Federal Circuit Court spelled it out for LR practitioners on both sides of … Continue reading
RETURNING TO A WORKABLE 7116(d) FORUM SELECTION ANALYSIS What if you want to file a grievance and a ULP with FLRA over the same incident? For example, suppose you want to challenge a member’s suspension as a violation of the … Continue reading
WHY EEO ALLEGATIONS ARE A GOOD GAMBLE TO TAKE Private law firms are taking in bundles of attorney fees representing federal employees in EEO complaints. This is money unions could be collecting along with the positive publicity of tangibly helping … Continue reading
THE FLRA UPDATES ITS NEGOTIABILITY REGS, E-FILING SYSTEM, AND FORMS If you sit on a lot of bargaining teams and especially if you serve as the union’s chief spokesperson, this is important for you. As the title states, FLRA has … Continue reading
PAY ATTENTION TO DUBESTER’S BAT SIGNAL Ernest Dubester led a one-man unprecedented campaign to stop what was probably the most unethical reign of anti-union revenge the FLRA ever witnessed. But he was only one vote against those of two others … Continue reading
WHAT IS A GRIEVANCE RECOVERY PERIOD? The FLRA has said that it “specifically distinguished between contractual back pay recovery periods and contractual time periods for filing grievances.” Consequently, we practitioners had better know the difference, particularly when we sit down to write a … Continue reading