Category Archives: Reasonable Accommodations
MANAGEMENT’S IMPERIAL VIEW OF ITSELF We don’t hate management; in fact, we believe that both labor and management need to be very skilled at what they do to create a satisfying, effective workplace. But it does raise the hairs on … Continue reading
5 COMMON TYPES OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS Looking through the blogs posted by law firms representing federal employees, we ran across a useful post from PINESFEDERAL, a firm operating out of D.C., Houston and Atlanta. Fedsmill has posted a ton of … Continue reading
WHEN MAGIC WORDS ARE NOT NEEDED Must a federal employee specifically utter the magic words “reasonable accommodation” before an agency is responsible for considering the need for a disability-related accommodation? Here is what EEOC said recently.
EMPLOYEE GETS $890,000 FOR SICK BUILDING EXPOSURE A Dep’t. of Agriculture employee informed the agency that the mold spores in the agency building were causing her significant health problems. When she asked for approval for full-time telework it took the … Continue reading
WHEN DINOSAURS DECIDE FULL-TIME TELEWORK REQUESTS With our apologies to the dinosaur community, we have to say we immediately thought of the stereotypical behemoths when we read about an agency official who decided that “telework was not an entitlement” and … Continue reading
CBP DEAF TO DEAF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A person EEOC identifies as Antwan applied to be a Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Agriculture Specialist where he would check for food and plants being brought into the US illegally by travelers or … Continue reading
BIRTHDAY PARTIES AND PANIC ATTACKS Although the jury’s decision already has received wide publicity, it is such an interesting case that we thought we would make sure none of our readers missed it. It seems management forced an employee to … Continue reading
GILBERT & BROIDA RESCUE DISABLED CBP OFFICERS Way back in 2014 we wrote about a Customs and Border Patrol Officer with sleep apnea who asked to not be assigned to night shift or overtime work because his condition required that … Continue reading
MASKS, FACIAL HAIR, QUAL STANDARDS, AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYEES EEOC just issued a new decision involving African-American employees and qualification standards. It is a familiar story about the difficulty those employees often have when required to be clean shaven in case … Continue reading
YES, VIRGINIA, COVID 19 CAN BE A DISABILITY If you are representing a member looking for more flexibility to deal with COVID problems than the agency is allowing, check out this post with the same title as this post from … Continue reading