Monthly Archives: July 2018
ON VACATION We are taking a break until mid-August in order to drag the staff around the Mediterranean on the annual Fedsmill retreat to identify new ideas. See ya.
NEW STUDY CONFIRMS AMERICAN WORKERS ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF Here is a very interesting article from New York magazine that should prove interesting to anyone wondering about the actual facts about how employees are doing economically today.
HOW AGENCIES BEAT THEMSELVES IN PROMOTION CASES A GS-2210 IT employee (let’s call him William) got passed over for promotion in favor of a far younger employee even though William had worked in a similar position for over 19 years, served … Continue reading
IS LYING THIS FLRA’S GREATEST POWER A new decision from those twin Trumpian towers of truth-lite thinking highlights the greatest power political appointees have to abuse electoral rivals. Kiko and Abbott wrote in DoD, 70 FLRA 654 (2018) that, “…we find that, on May 3, … Continue reading
SEXUAL HARASSMENT QUIZ: WHO STAYS AND WHO GOES? If one employee alleges that another employee in the same office is sexually harassing him, does the Agency have to move one to another workplace while it investigates the matter? If so, who … Continue reading
BEWARE OF NEW PROPOSALS MADE LATE IN BARGAINING Anyone who has actually bargained knows that as bargaining nears the point of impasse, new ideas often are put on the table to get around an insurmountable objection from the other party. For … Continue reading