We have said it before and will say it again. Fedsmill is not a legal advisor. We will leave that to your union lawyers. Fedsmill, on the other hand, advocate for things that help federal employees and unions, whether they are sure winners or not. So, if we run across an idea, we will likely pass it on to you to try. One such idea came across our screen this morning in the form of a post from the FMLA Insight folks. They advised their readers of a court decision upholding the right of a private sector employee to use FMLA to care for a sibling. You can click on the story which is entitled, “No Sibling Rivalry Here: Court Green Lights Potential FMLA Leave for Siblings.” We recommend you look through it and probably let folks in your a bargaining unit that the union is likely to go to bat for them if they are in a similar situation.