Category Archives: Transgender
BIG TRANSGENDER HEALTH CARE WIN FOR FEDS You have heard us describe other major employment law victories for federal employees delivered by Gilbert Employment Law (GEL). But this may top them all given that it overturns a Reagan Administration rule … Continue reading
STRIKING THE DELICATE BALANCE: RELIGION AND PRONOUNS Unions are not going to be able to sit back and watch employers struggle with this issue. Sooner or later an LGBTQ+ member is going to wander into the union office asking for … Continue reading
TRANSGENDER ROADMAP: 10 STEPS THE EEOC THINKS EMPLOYERS SHOULD TAKE The “Employment & Labor Insider” has done us all a favor with a new article spelling out what employers should be doing to accommodate the transgender worker. We thought practitioners … Continue reading
WHAT IS AN LGBT SLUR? OPM deserves credit for publishing, “Addressing Sexual and Gender Identity Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment: A Guide to Employment Rights, Protections and Responsibilities.” It is a concise and clear explanation of how those who believe … Continue reading
WHICH BATHROOM FOR TRANSGENDER EMPLOYEES? Here are the facts. Tamara Lusardi was working for the Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center in Huntsville, Alabama. As a known transgender employee, the agency forced her to only use a single-use … Continue reading
TRANSGENDER FEDERAL EMPLOYEE WINS DISCRIMINATION CASE The Washington Post just published a story about how the U.S. Special Counsel convinced the Dept. of Army to correct the harm done to a transgender employee from “frequent, pervasive, and humiliating” gender-identity discrimination. … Continue reading