Monthly Archives: August 2015
AFL-CIO UNIONS GET $80 MILLION IN BACK PAY FOR HHS/IHS EMPLOYEES Another victory on an FLSA grievance is hardly news, but an $80 million dollar back pay check is always something to crow about. NFFE, AFGE and LIUNA spent the … Continue reading
WHERE DO NATIONAL UNION PRESIDENTS COME FROM? That is a more interesting question than you might think—and worthy of some thought given how important leadership can be. Some unions, like NWSEO and NLRBU demand that a member be an active … Continue reading
THE REMEDY IN 5 USC 6101 CASES As of August 17th, five of the last six FLRA decisions involved NTEU cases, including yet another one dealing with how work hours are set under 5 USC 6101 and 5 CFR 610. … Continue reading
COX OVERWHELMS AFGE, CONGRATS Back in 2012 David Cox won the AFGE National Presidency in a squeaker with 51% of the vote, but a short three years later he roared back into the job last week with 63% of the … Continue reading
SEQUESTRATION AND RIF With the curtains about to roll back on the annual budget theatrics for us, it is time to think about what role labor law plays in it. The most dreaded response to a budget shortfall from any … Continue reading
WHEN IS AN EMPLOYEE “PLAINLY SUPERIOR” TO THE SELECTEE IN A PROMOTION ACTION? This may come as a shock to lots of folks on the management side of the table, but a promotion applicant is not the best person for the job … Continue reading
EXTREME ULP REMEDIES The NLRB recently issued a decision clobbering an employer with penalties for its repeated and substantial violations of the labor law. Take a look at this blog post about it for a quick overview of the decision. … Continue reading
WHAT NEXT AT CBP? If you have been watching the cases coming out of FLRA the last year or so, you probably noticed that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) continues to lose a lot of back pay cases to NTEU. … Continue reading
NTEU ELECTS REARDON NATIONAL PRESIDENT NTEU convention delegates elected Tony Reardon today to be the next National President of NTEU, giving him more than 85% of the vote. For the past decade or so Tony has managed the union’s finances, … Continue reading