Category Archives: Reassignments
UNION REP TEST #16 (Right to be Reassigned) If you have read our posts from the beginning, you know that there are a few situations where the employee has a right to be reassigned and one of them is where … Continue reading
LABOR AGREEMENTS VERSUS EEO RIGHTS Because of her physical limitations, the employee was no longer qualified to perform her duties. According to EEOC, that obligates the agency to consider reassigning her to a position she can perform. The agency refused … Continue reading
$300,000 FOR A DENIED REASSIGNMENT Employees almost never have the right to demand a reassignment to a different supervisor, job or location. But if the employee has a disabling condition for which a reassignment would be a reasonable accommodation, the … Continue reading
EEOC REAFFIRMS RIGHT TO ACCOMMODATION REASSIGNMENTS It seems like every day we check this Administration has taken away one employee right after another. So it was comforting to see the new EEOC decision reconfirming a disabled employee’s reasonable accommodation right … Continue reading
DENIALS OF LATERAL REASSIGNMENTS CAN BE EEO ADVERSE ACTIONS On August 25, 2016 we posted a story about a D. C Circuit court decision holding that an employee may not file an EEO complaint over a lateral reassignment because the … Continue reading
ARE THE DISABLED ENTITLED TO REASSIGNMENTS? We have kept an eye on what the EEOC and courts are doing with the right of a disabled employee to demand a reassignment to an open position as a reasonable accommodation. EEOC has … Continue reading
CHALLENGING AN ADVERSE REASSIGNMENT DECISION One of the appeal options an employee has when given (or denied) a reassignment is to claim that the decision was made for discriminatory reasons, e.g., race, gender, age, etc. But in order to prevail … Continue reading
REASSIGNMENT VIA THE EEO ROUTE What’s a guy to do when his wife, who works for the same agency as he does, is transferred from San Diego to Washington, DC, he applies for a reassignment to DC himself under the … Continue reading
ANOTHER RIGHT TO BE REASSIGNED One of the major benefits denied federal employees is the right to laterally reassign to a vacancy elsewhere in the country even if it is for the same job title, series and grade that the … Continue reading