Monthly Archives: December 2022
FLRA AMISTAD PRECEDENT SCUTTLED A good argument can be made that the previous White House staffed the FLRA with appointees eager to punish unions and employees for political purposes. One of their more notorious revenge efforts was aimed at an … Continue reading
THE FLRA PRECEDENT PENDULUM SWINGS YET AGAIN One of the problems with case law precedent is that it often changes every time a different political party occupies the White House (WH). Last week FLRA swung the precedent pendulum yet again … Continue reading
HO! HO! HO! DID EEOC JUST IMPROPERLY GIFT $617,436 TO A LAW FIRM? The newest bundle of EEOC decisions included a decision with very good news along with some troubling news. When the Postal Service reorganized some years ago, hundreds … Continue reading
WHAT TO DO FOR A DEAD GRIEVANT Suppose the union challenges an agency’s termination or demotion of a union member and the employee dies before the case is resolved. Is an arbitrator allowed to issue a decision and if s/he … Continue reading