Category Archives: ULPs
WHEN WILL COURTS REVIEW FLRA’S EXCEPTION DECISION INVOLVING A GRIEVANCE? Courts generally are not permitted to review the Authority’s decisions involving exceptions to grievance arbitration awards. But there is an exception to that rule, i.e., when the FLRA exception decision … Continue reading
WHAT DID THIS UNION DO WRONG? Here are the facts. See if you can figure out two things the union did wrong. The agency had a practice of placing a guard at each of its strategically important locations around its … Continue reading
NLRB STOMPS ON EMPLOYER’S CONFIDENTIALITY & NON-DISCLOSURE ENFORCEMENT Lots of employer’s try to gag what employees or former employees can say about it, but it turns out that if that interferes with employees’ labor law rights, the NLRB is going … Continue reading
A VERY HELPFUL SHOP STEWARD TOOL It is not easy remembering all the different ULP’s managers can commit or the union’s right to attend formal meetings or a dozen or so other legal issues that pop up regularly in a … Continue reading
EXCLUDING UNION REPS FROM CHOICE ASSIGNMENTS Almost every job has those few assignments that carry hidden benefits, e.g., they almost always earn those assigned a cash award, generate extra promotion points, or even almost automatically boost one’s appraisal. What right … Continue reading
OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL (OCS) FOR UNION REPS On the way to my 2nd Lt. bars, OCS put me in a series of high stress mock combat situations to assess the quality of the decision I would make as the commander. One … Continue reading
FLRA POSTS 9 TRAINING FILMS ON THE ULP INVESTIGATION PROCESS The Authority has done a great job of explaining every step of the ULP investigation process for anyone who might be involve in one on behalf of a union member … Continue reading
U.S. COURT CONFIRMS THAT ABBOTT & KIKO MANIPULATE EVIDENCE Dubester tried to warn the two tooting Trumpettes, Kiko & Abbott, when they first made their decision that they were using fake facts to overturn a union ULP win. But, of … Continue reading
WELL, THEY DID IT AGAIN AT FLRA We’re not referring to Abbott and Kiko overturning yet another long-standing labor law principle, ruling against a union, nor even overturning an arbitrator. That is who they are and what the President expected … Continue reading
AAGGGHHHH! THIS MISTAKE HURTS! We have written about this before, yet still double over with pain every time we see this blunder. Although we are not going to identify the union or even proclaim that it was the union rather … Continue reading