Monthly Archives: November 2017
AGENCY CAN BE ORDERED TO PAY EMPLOYEE INCOME TAXES When the employer is ordered to give an employee a back pay lump sum amount, it can also be required to compensate the employee for any extra income taxes if the … Continue reading
TEST YOUR LABOR RELATIONS BACK PAY ACT KNOWLEDGE Many grievances are about getting back pay for employees, which makes it very important that practitioners know what can and cannot be done with back pay. Unfortunately, there are a lot of … Continue reading
PAYROLL DEBT FOLLOWS FED TO THE GRAVE & BEYOND The U.S. Court of Appeals recently issued a decision that should serve as a warning to any federal employee who thinks s/he might be getting too much money in a paycheck. … Continue reading
HOW TO USE FEDSMILL FOR MAX VALUE What do you do with the FEDSMILL posts you get? If you read them, that’s good because we started this blog in order to boost everyone’s awareness of what rights employees have and … Continue reading
“FMLA-PLUS” LEAVE” WHAT IS IT? Over the last decade or so the idea has slowly taken hold that an employee can be entitled to even more time off the job beyond what FMLA might give him/her. The basic theory is … Continue reading
UNION MEMBERSHIP CONTINUES TO GROW DESPITE YOU KNOW WHAT Given that we found it reassuring to read a recent Washington Post report about unions adding more and more new members despite the Washington political climate they have had to live … Continue reading