Monthly Archives: October 2011
IS “AGE HARASSMENT” ILLEGAL? MEMBER ALERT! Sexual harassment is a well-known and well-litigated matter. Mainstream media write about it often and most employers have policies prohibiting it. But how many have heard of “age harassment” or an age-hostile work environment? … Continue reading
WHO GETS THE DIRTY WORK? MEMBER ALERT! Virtually everything that comes out of the FLRA loudly broadcasts that management can assign any work it wants to an employee and there is little to nothing the union can do about that. … Continue reading
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABLED COMMUTERS MEMBER ALERT! Disabled employees now have a little more reason to expect that their employer may be required to help them commute to and from work when their disability makes that very difficult or impossible. … Continue reading
WHAT DO 27,000 LAWYERS TELL US ABOUT UNION POPULARITY? reports that 27,160 lawyers in this country make a living practicing labor or employment law. So, no one should think that our workforce has lost its interest in employee rights … Continue reading
FMLA FOR FAMILY MILITARY SITUATIONS MEMBER ALERT! OPM finally issued regulations spelling out when federal employees are entitled to use FMLA leave to deal with military-related situations in the family. Family includes an employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent. The … Continue reading
EEOC PUNISHES SSA EMPLOYEE TESTS STEWARD ALERT! It is illegal for any employer to use tests of any kind (oral, written, behavioral) if they tend to discriminate against a class of protected employees under any of the Civil Rights acts, … Continue reading
$75,000+ FOR DENIAL OF PILGRIMAGE LEAVE MEMBER ALERT! The Justice Dept. just announced it settled a case where an employee had been denied leave to go on a religious pilgrimage.
NEW WORKPLACE VIOLENCE RULES MEMBER ALERT! Employers are now required by a new federal regulation to minimize the potential for workplace violence, whether it comes from members of the public seeking help, co-workers, or anyone else allowed into a workplace.
FEDSMILL MAKES STYLE CHANGES You will see some small changes with today’s new articles. We have reduced the size of the headlines, and added a subtitle at the beginning of the article to remind union leaders to pass these articles … Continue reading