Monthly Archives: April 2022
FREE FLRA TRAINING; SIGN UP FAST The availability of slots in these training programs is going to go fast. So, look over the schedule of courses and sign up soon for FLRA-run webinars on Investigatory Interviews, Good Faith Bargaining, Illegal … Continue reading
BWANA ABBOTT’S SAFARI One of FLRA’s surviving Trump appointees, Jim Abbott, is the labor law equivalent of the great white hunters of Colonial Africa who ravaged its wildlife and exploited its population just for the fun of it- or maybe … Continue reading
MANAGER’S EEO-RELATED THREAT IS ILLEGAL AND COSTLY An employee, who EEOC calls Shelby, had a meeting with a high-level manager to describe how he believed his first line supervisor was discriminating against him. When the employee finished outlining the allegations … Continue reading
BIRTHDAY PARTIES AND PANIC ATTACKS Although the jury’s decision already has received wide publicity, it is such an interesting case that we thought we would make sure none of our readers missed it. It seems management forced an employee to … Continue reading
GRIEVANCE STRATEGY ISSUES- Part 5 (Remedies) We are back with Part 5 of our Grievance Strategy series that aims to give union reps a deep look at how to deal with the six most critical parts of a union grievance. … Continue reading
TERMINATION FOR VOLUNTEERING REVERSED A law enforcement employee was asked to volunteer to attend a multi-week, off-site training program. Being the agreeable type, he volunteered. Somewhere during the training, which involved significant physical activity, he broke two ribs. Nonetheless, he … Continue reading
WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CBP? reports on CBP-related cases coming out of the FLRA, FSIP, EEOC, CBCA, MSPB, OSC and a handful of other agencies. We do not care if the case was won by a … Continue reading
HOW FLRA SPECTACULARLY BOTCHED A CASE This was not a common case, but neither was it so unusual as to justify a wall-to-wall brain fry at FLRA. Here are the facts of DoDEA and ACEA, 72 FLRA 720 (2022). 1- FSIP … Continue reading
HOW THE AMAZON WORKERS BEAT THE UNION BUSTERS Given that any good a union can do for its members depends on them first organizing and voting in a union, it is vital for union supporters to stay up with the … Continue reading