Monthly Archives: March 2014
MSPB EXHUMES ITS “MANIFEST ABSURDITY” DOCTRINE How ironic that just a few short months after stripping federal employees of any right to challenge the substance or design of a furlough, suddenly the Board is concerned with absurdities. The case involved … Continue reading
PROMOTION SEGREGATION: OUT-OF-TOWNERS NEED NOT APPLY Can management refuse to even consider employee applicants who meet the minimum qualifications for a promotion vacancy? For example, could it refuse to consider, rate and rank qualified employees because they were bald or vegetarians? How about … Continue reading
NTEU ADDS ANOTHER BARGAINING UNIT It has been a long time since the National Treasury Employees Union organized only employees of the Treasury department. Today, it represents employees of dozens of federal agencies, and in the last few months has … Continue reading
AFGE’S WEEKLY NEWS IN REVIEW FILLS A GAP There is no shortage of publicly available newsletters covering federal employment issues. However, AFGE has one that focuses on the news from the perspective of employees. It is a very worthwhile source … Continue reading
WHAT DO SELECTING OFFICIALS OWE BQ CANDIDATES? A LOT! Law requires selecting officials to explain to non-selected BQ promotion applicants why they were passed over. In fact, it requires them to be quite specific about why. See if you can … Continue reading
AFGE WINS $35 MILLION IN BACK PAY FOR EPA MEMBERS just reported that the AFGE Council of locals in the Environmental Protection Administration has settled a grievance for $35 million in retroactive overtime pay. EPA management had told these … Continue reading
MEET AMERICA’S HIGHEST PAID “GOVERNMENT WORKERS” Hats off to AFGE for its recently published article revealing who gets paid the most–millions actually– to do government work. It is not who you think, and you will never hear about this story … Continue reading