Category Archives: Promotion/Hiring
AGENCY INCOMPETENCE SNATCHES DEFEAT FROM JAWS OF VICTORY Harold, a GSA employee, filed an EEO complaint alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation (gay) and/or the intersection of his sex (male) and race (African American) when he was not selected for … Continue reading
RATING PANEL GRIEVANCES: WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND HERE IT IS AGAIN Attacking the scores of a promotion rating panel is hard to do under traditional labor law. But, if you can find a reason to allege that there … Continue reading
AGENT EXPOSES IRS PROMOTION DISCRIMINATION MECHANISM This GS-11 employee claimed that he was not selected for a GS-12 promotion in Oregon because he was African-American. He backed up that claim by pointing out that the promotion certificate showed he had … Continue reading
THERE IS SOMETHING ROTTEN AT DODEA I once worked at the DoD Education Activity (DODEA) as a management official and to this day have enormous respect for its top leader’s integrity and values. But between the EEOC decision covered in … Continue reading
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO CONDUCT JOB INTERVIEWS Like it or not, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tsunami is only slightly off-shore and certain to roar through our lives shortly sweeping away so many of our traditions. One of them is the job … Continue reading
AGENCY’S PRE-SELECTION SCAMMERS SNARED I am sure union reps have seen these same facts hundreds of times in their own agencies. Management announced a promotion opportunity, and after it passed over the person EEOC ultimately declared to be “vastly superior” … Continue reading
GRIEVING NON-SELECTION FOR PROMOTION (Part 1) Ask a manager if you can grieve non-selection from a BQ list and you are likely to hear that you can’t. Some of them will even quote part of a federal regulation that bars … Continue reading
HOW TO STOP RAMPANT SELECTING OFFICIAL INCOMPETENCE Thanks to the managements’ rights provision of the labor law, federal selecting officials think they have something akin to Papal infallibility when they decide who should be selected for promotion. Afterall, the law … Continue reading
HOW TO STOP RAMPANT SELECTING OFFICIAL INCOMPETENCE Thanks to the managements’ rights provision of the labor law federal selecting officials foolishly think they have something akin to Papal infallibility when they rule as to who should be selected for promotion. … Continue reading
BIDEN’S THINLY DISGUISED WAGE THEFT PROGRAM President Biden deserves gobs of credit for rescuing federal employees and their unions from the intense hate the prior administration had focused on them. But let’s not pretend that all is now peachy for … Continue reading