Monthly Archives: September 2017
EMPLOYEE WINS BACK PAY RETROACTIVE TO 1996 Don’t let anyone ever tell you that a good labor relations fight is not worth the time and effort. We just saw a case where someone applied for a job in 1996, was … Continue reading
BECAUSE MANAGEMENT’S DECISION SHOCKED HER IT NOW OWES HER $$$$ We have posted more than a few stories on this blog about how employees can get compensatory damages when they are victims of discrimination. That money is not only on top of any … Continue reading
WHAT AGENCIES THINK WHEN UNIONS TERMINATE THEIR OWN LEADERS AFGE recently terminated its second highest elected official, which makes this a good time to think through how agencies might react and unions can counter those reactions.
HARVARD SAYS, “RESEARCH SHOWS UNIONIZED WORKERS ARE LESS HAPPY” Although we are not the kind of folks who believe something just because an Ivy League Institution says it is true, it is almost always worth it to at least listen … Continue reading
WHEN IS AN ACTION ADVERSE ENOUGH FOR EEOC? One of the reasons an agency will raise to dismiss an employee’s EEO complaint is that the action s/he complained of was not adverse enough to be actionable. While EEO law does … Continue reading