Monthly Archives: October 2018
FIVE UNION RIGHTS YOU MAY NOT REMEMBER We all know that union activists cannot be fired, denied a benefit, or even poorly evaluated if the decision is based on or even related to our choice to be union activist. But … Continue reading
25 JAW- DROPPING FACTS ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY The good folks at Motley Fool just published a wonderful piece about Social Security that every FERS covered employee should read. So we are passing it along. Click on Motley Fool now.
LGBTQ PROTECTIONS ON THE WAY OUT? It seems to us that there is a lot of money to be made betting that the new Supreme Court will obliterate the employment protections only recently won by the LGBTQ folks we all … Continue reading
THINGS MARK CARTER DOESN’T GET Mark Carter earns his living working for a law firm that brags about its ability to fight unions, not provide a balanced, low conflict, workplace. So, it should surprise no one that his gut reaction … Continue reading
A RARELY USED EEOC REMEDY The factual background section of this EEOC decision led with the following statement: “on April 14, 2015, the physician for the Primary Care Women’s Health Clinic (GYN) threatened Complainant when he gave her a hug, … Continue reading