Tag Archives: Reasonable Accommodation
MANAGEMENT’S IMPERIAL VIEW OF ITSELF We don’t hate management; in fact, we believe that both labor and management need to be very skilled at what they do to create a satisfying, effective workplace. But it does raise the hairs on … Continue reading
WHEN MAGIC WORDS ARE NOT NEEDED Must a federal employee specifically utter the magic words “reasonable accommodation” before an agency is responsible for considering the need for a disability-related accommodation? Here is what EEOC said recently.
PANTS VERSUS SKIRTS: A RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION MOMENT Some religions require women cover up from top to bottom while others declare that the Lord they worship wants women to show their legs – even when working in a men’s prison. Under … Continue reading
UNION REP TEST #16 (Right to be Reassigned) If you have read our posts from the beginning, you know that there are a few situations where the employee has a right to be reassigned and one of them is where … Continue reading
WELL ISN’T THIS AN INTERESTING UNION COVID RESPONSE Some enterprising legal eagles in New York City just filed a class action lawsuit claiming that an employer must provide reasonable accommodations to employees at risk of catching COVID-19 at the job site. Their … Continue reading
THE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION SEARCH AREA How far must an agency search in seeking a position to which it can reassign an employee needing a reasonable accommodation? Here is what EEOC said recently. “We emphasize that a federal agency’s obligation under … Continue reading
HR SPECIALISTS ALERT: DISABILITY LAW IS EVOLVING FOR YOU Suppose a manager calls HR one morning to report that one of her probationary employees has refused to perform a certain function of the job by the established due date and … Continue reading
DISABLED EMPLOYEE BEATS IRS What is a disabled federal employee to do when her agency does not quickly react to her request for reasonable accommodations to help her deal with a disability which her psychiatrist documented as follows: “Complainant had … Continue reading
$120,000 LIGHT BULB If managers ever needed an example of why it is always easier to work out a quick, voluntary agreement to a problem-even when they have doubts about the validity of an employee’s problem, this is the case. … Continue reading
RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION COVERAGE EXPANDING? A couple of years ago we posted an article entitled, “Church Lady Smites DOD.” It discussed an EEOC case in which the employee had asked that her work hours be adjusted so she could not just … Continue reading