Tag Archives: Covered-by

THE  INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY OF “COVERED-BY” ADVOCATES There is an ALJ case lingering in the FLRA decision pipeline that will once again put the “covered-by” (CB) defense up for review. (See DoD and NEA) Having watched the CB defense come into … Continue reading

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WHAT HAPPENS WHEN “COVERED BY” MEETS IMPASSE? The quick answer is “Nothing good for the union.”  Let’s assume that the parties have been bargaining over a 10-issue mid-term MOU, have agreement on five of the issues and disagree on the … Continue reading

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FSIP THUMBS ITS NOSE AT FLRA For over two decades FLRA has been issuing decisions outlining how an agency wishing to raise a “covered-by” defense to a union’s demand to bargain must meet the following test: ”If the agreement does … Continue reading

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THE “COVERED-BY” DEFENSE MUTATES Those of you who have to deal with the “covered-by” defense to a bargaining demand should take a look at the most recent private sector decision.    It creates a third version of the doctrine that you … Continue reading

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DUBESTER CRITICIZES COVERED-BY CONCEPT FLRA Member DuBester launched his own five-prong attack on the infamous two-prong covered-by concept that has generated so much chaos since its creation.  Writing a dissenting opinion in AFGE, SSA General Committee, 66 FLRA No. 108, … Continue reading

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OCTOMOM AND THE “COVERED-BY” BARGAINING DEFENSE Much of science is devoted to finding out where things came from, e.g., the universe, global warming, the Kardashians, etc.  But there is no need to search very far for the origin of the … Continue reading

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