Tag Archives: Particularized need
BARGAINING WITH JERKS – #1 (Information Access) There are a lot of different types of negotiators on the management side of the table and one of them deserves to be labeled The Jerk. This is the person who has come to bargaining … Continue reading
UNION REP TEST #15 (Information Access) Which of the following does a union not have to reveal to management to meet the “particularized need” standard for getting information. A. Why it needs the information, B. The Uses to which it will … Continue reading
A PLEASANT PARTICULARIZED NEED PRONOUNCEMENT: Test Yourself A nice thing happened last week. The Authority issued an easier to understand than normal, unanimous decision on particularized need. (AFGE, 68 FLRA 492 (2015)) See if you can predict what the ruling … Continue reading
FEDSMILL’S PARTICULARIZED NEED FORM While science’s two-decade long, multi-billion dollar search for the Higgs-Boson particle ended in success (and according to some putting man virtually face-to-face with god), the quest for particularized need has proven more challenging than that for … Continue reading