YUP! There is a way to wiggle out from under the Trump Administration efforts to punish federal employees for not voting for them. FEDWEEK just published a story you should read entitled, “’Compelling Reason’ Needed to Justify Continued Off-site Work.”  Check it out.  Those of you who eat, drink and sleep negotiation tactics will recognize this is an opportunity to demand to bargain before political telework penalties are implemented.  Think about implementing procedures and appropriate arrangement proposals you can make. Be on the lookout for management officials making deals directly with unit employees. Remember this FEDSMILL post about bypass? Or this about disability grounds for telework. Or the remedies available if the agency violates law when taking telework away. Or as a religious accommodation. Or the appropriate arrangement proposals others have made when management proposes to terminate telework. Or how to use FMLA to get telework. FEDSMILL has over 50 advice pieces about telework.  Just enter the term in the search box and they will all pop up.

About AdminUN

FEDSMILL staff has over 40 years of federal sector labor relations experience on the union as well as management side of the table and even some time as a neutral.
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