The Office of the Special Counsel (OSC) posted a press release in late December announcing that it was ordering two SES Executives suspended for 30 & 36 days. OSC found that they committed prohibited personnel practices (PPP) in connection with promotion actions. While the OSC chose not to reveal most of the details about the case, it did mention that it caught one of the Executives “pressuring subordinates within HR to improperly select unqualified candidates for multiple positions.” The case is an interesting benchmark for unions to use if they show one of their agency’s managers or executives committed a PPP in a promotion action.  Why not take an arbitrator’s decision and ask the agency IG to investigate and to impose a proper penalty if it agrees a PPP was committed.  There is nothing wrong with sending the offending manager/executive a message that the union is not done with them once an arbitrator orders the agency to retroactively promote or grant priority consideration. That is a penalty on the agency, not the offending officials.


About AdminUN

FEDSMILL staff has over 40 years of federal sector labor relations experience on the union as well as management side of the table and even some time as a neutral.
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