Do you know the difference between these SIX contract dates: 1- Execution Date, 2- Approval Date, 3- Effective Date, 4- Implementation Date, 5- Reopener Date, and 6- Termination Date?
Do you know the FIVE routes a union can take to challenge an agency’s declaration of non-negotiability?
Do you know the TEN exceptions agencies can raise to avoid a union bargaining demand when the agency makes a mid-term change?
Do you know the TEN ways to reduce an agency’s power to make working conditions decisions without union involvement?
Do you know the FOUR elements of an agency’s notice of a proposed mid-term change?
Do you know that there is a training class designed for union leaders and negotiators scheduled for November 13 & 14? It will cover much more than 100 case law precedents and bargaining tactics the best negotiators know and rely on to boost their clout. If you do not, you should consider taking a course to be jointly offered by FEDSMILL and a highly prestigious D.C. law firm that we call “Bargaining By the Numbers.” The fee is $395 for one day of the program and $775 to attend both days. You ca n find the agenda by clicking over to this post, “Bargaining By the Numbers.” You can register by clicking here.