Somewhere early in the next White House Administration some probationary employee is going to be fired because Team Trump thinks the employee does not support the new President’s political views or because some campaign contributor to the new President’s campaign complained about the employee. When that does happen a lot of folks are going to tell the probationer that s/he has no right of appeal—but every one of them will be wrong. When a probationer is fired for what appear to be political reasons they can appeal to MSPB. There is a wonderful article by an attorney at Shaw, Bransford and Roth entitled, MSPB: Agencies Terminate Probationary Employees for Political Reasons At Their Own Peril . We recommend you look it over just so that you can be on the look out for one of your members being fired dor political reasons. In the case discussed in the article the employee got his job back, back pay, and career status.