Tag Archives: Promotion Grievances
AGENCY INCOMPETENCE SNATCHES DEFEAT FROM JAWS OF VICTORY Harold, a GSA employee, filed an EEO complaint alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation (gay) and/or the intersection of his sex (male) and race (African American) when he was not selected for … Continue reading
ONE MORE TIME WITH GUSTO: GRIEVING NON-SELECTION We have said it many times before, but we can’t make the point to often. If a qualified employee is non-selected for promotion in favor of a person from a different protected civil … Continue reading
HERE IS HOW TOUGH EEOC (& UNIONS) CAN BE ON AGENCY PROMOTION RATING SYSTEMS A State Department employee failed to achieve a passing score on the agency’s promotion rating system. In fact, he failed by a lot, getting only a … Continue reading
WHAT DO SELECTING OFFICIALS OWE BQ CANDIDATES–AGAIN? We can’t say this often enough. When Selecting Officials non-select BQ candidates, especially those with higher scores than the selectee, the Selecting Official (SO) must provide the non-selected applicant something more than a … Continue reading